This course provides the student with several lectures that collectively when finished, provides them with a thorough introduction to the world of professional consulting. This course is designed to help the person who is considering undertaking a consulting career. It covers the following topics:
- What the consulting lifestyle looks like – and the pros and cons to being a consultant
- What combination of skills and experience are required to be successful at consulting
- What are the most common areas of service (disciplines) that consultants can profitably market
- How much on average a consultant can charge for his or her services by consulting discipline
- When should a consultant operate as a sole proprietorship and when should incorporation be considered
- What is required to be able to consult internationally
- What is required to consult in the USA if you are resident in Canada
- How do you obtain international “Trade NAFTA” status to consult throughout North America
At the end of this course, the student will have gained greater insights into the world of professional consulting. This knowledge gained should help the student to both better decide if a consulting future is appropriate for them and also help them get started as a consultant if they choose to move ahead in this career direction.
Your Instructor
About Dan Grijzenhout: For close to thirty years, Dan has been a professional business and information systems consulting professional working to executive levels for both private and public sector organizations globally, a number of which were "Fortune" level enterprises. Dan has founded, operated and sold an online global payment services company that moves millions of dollars on behalf of its 100,000 plus account holders annually; he has been interviewed on the show "World Business Review" by former head of NATO and Secretary of State, General Alexander Haig, for his work in advanced digital and online telecommunications services and nation-wide online and card based "Loyalty" programs; and now, semi-retired, works at writing and building training programs to share his years of experience with others interested in online entrepreneurship.
Social Media Marketing, Content Creation and Authorship: During the past few years, Dan has focused nearly all his time and energy on designing and building online marketing systems and social media marketing platforms. In fact, Dan recently completed a two year project as the project manager and chief architect to build a marketing system used by several major airlines, travel agencies and Fortune Level manufacturing corporations. Dan has written, self-published and self-marketed seven books now being sold through Amazon Kindle and Create Space; he has written and published over 40 social media related training/learning articles, and has created over 200 training videos and knowledge enhancing video podcasts. Dan currently has over 10,000 students taking his 35+ training courses online!
He has gained expertise in many online content creation and online advertising tool-sets and websites and has over 20,000 followers on social media platforms and training platforms. Two other useful places to find Dan's content online include:
https://youtube.com/DanGrijzenhout123 : View Dan's created videos posted on YouTube and SUBSCRIBE!
http://howtoguru.org/ Dan's primary business site. This site contains content, discounted course coupons, access to Dan's published books and: Software, electronics and other products that Dan has experience with and recommends as being of good quality.
A Few Testimonials...
Vancouver Island University Student: "First of all, I enjoyed your course immensely... I really admire all you have done and your great level of expertise of online businesses. I will be looking out for more of your courses."
Ronald Nats (Computer Security): “Excellent presentation by an expert who talks the walk and walks the walk.”
Paige Uttley (Book Publishing): “Love the course. It is pertinent to publishing currently, which I found to be a great help.”
John Pennington (Photo Coloring Books): “It's a fun idea and the instructor is a very good presenter.”
Faten Hariri (Professional Consulting-2) “Excellent!”
Weerasak Sroykham (Professional Consulting-1): “Very Good Udemy Online Learning Course. Thank you very much. Weerasak Sroykham. IT Consultant Team Lead.”
Shawn Miller (Professional Consulting-1): “Good quality training with an instructor that seems to know what he is talking about.”
Della Luce (Entrepreneurship and Retirement): “I found this course very informative and easy to follow and understand! Very impressed .. I will be taking more.”
Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction to Professional Consulting (4:19)
StartWhat It Means To Be A Consultant (9:46)
StartConsulting Disciplines (10:06)
StartCorporation or Proprietorship? (9:26)
StartConsulting Pros and Cons (4:28)
PreviewA Computer Programming History Lesson (6:03)
StartWhat It Takes To Be A Consultant (5:04)
StartConsulting Cross Border From Canada (7:40)
StartA W2 Versus a 1099 Contract in the USA (3:39)
StartBuilding an MP4 Lecture Video Using Microsoft Powerpoint (5:17)